The founder of The Paraplanning House, Alyson Brown, has worked in the SSAS and SIPP arena for many years, both as an adviser and a trustee.


SSAS and SIPPs are schemes which if not done on a regular basis are a minefield to manoeuvre. If you have come across a SSAS or a SIPP and need clarification or guidance on what they can do and how to keep within HMRC guidance then The Paraplanning House can help.


There cannot be many situations we have not come across, for example:-


  • How to set up a Group SIPP
  • Commercial property purchase
  • Compliant loanback arrangements
  • Can and how does a scheme purchase private company shares
  • Arrange scheme borrowing
  • Taking benefits in USP, ASP and scheme pension


Our SSAS and SIPP consultancy service is a very specialist area and if you would like further details please contact us.

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